Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Perambulating in Vermont

I didn't have the energy yesterday for an intense run, so instead I grabbed my camera and headed out to run and walk and generally try to take pictures of interesting things.  If it's not obvious, you can click on any of these pictures to see a larger version.

My journey started out on this relatively busy road.  Fun detail: The property on the left side of the road was bought by my father-in-law back in the 1960s.

On these journeys I like to play a game I call "Private or Abandoned?"  It's really simple: For each property I go by, try to determine if it is currently privately owned and maintained or abandoned.  As a warm-up exercise, here's our nearest neighbor, who hasn't been seen in years: Abandoned!

A fork in the road, let's take the one less traveled, on the right:

You know a road is lightly traveled when you can put your camera down on the road surface, set the timer for 10 seconds, and take a selfie without worry about getting interrupted by a passing car that might run over your camera.

Even though this area is in the foothills of the green mountains, most of the time you can't see the scenery for the trees.  But a large hay field does make for good views of the distant mountains.

Remember that first photo with the property my father in law bought back in the 1960s?  It's a long, "L" shaped property, and the back border is somewhere in the middle of this ridge line, but I don't know exactly where.  It's a long difficult hike to get back there, and the border marks have long since faded.  Property boundaries in Vermont tend to be a bit approximate, but I can safely say I think we inherited a few trees somewhere on that ridge.

More mountains, this time viewed over an apple orchard:

It's time for the next round of "Private or Abandoned?"  Pretty sure this one is abandoned.

I think this used to be the bedroom, at least it looks like a couple of cots:

And now for the final and most difficult round of "Private or Abandoned?"  Is this a private driveway?  Or an abandoned road?  No house number, no "no trespassing" signs, let's have a closer look.

No structures, tree branches down in spots and not cleaned up, looks like an abandoned running alongside a stream.

I don't think this parcel is abandoned, just odd.  Looks like a septic field with two vents and a folding metal chair that's been there for years.  I've been expecting a house to be built nearby, but that hasn't happened.  Very strange.


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