Thursday, January 22, 2009

Still Dealing With Winter

The engine roars and tires spin, grasping for traction, as the car slides sideway barely under control. The start of a drag race? No, just me trying to get the Mustang up the driveway after taking it to work yesterday. Took 5 attempts and 2 buckets of sand to get up the 100 feet of snow and ice covered, curved, uphill driveway. But at least the car is back in the garage and free of ice now.

Oh yeah, to get the windows clear, I took a hair drier, slammed the door on the cord so it was hanging inside from the top of the window, and let it run for about half an hour. Then I could scrape the windows pretty easily. I’m thinking front wheel drive is the way to go for the next few days.

In other news, the roads are no longer suitable for running. The snow has made them too narrow for people and cars to share. So now I’m getting my exercise doing laps in the snow in the woods behind the house. It’s a bit of a challenge finding the path I made a few years ago, since so many trees have been knocked over in the ice storms this year. And I’ve also had to cut up a number of trees too. But I’m out and getting my pulse rate up, which is the important thing right now.

I also want to get back to exercising at work during the day, at least during the winter months. This is slightly complicated by the fact that they moved the fitness room to a temporary location in the other building. And the locker room and showers are not in the same area. So apparently some of my coworkers are wandering the halls of the building, one dropped towel away from being flashers.

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